Bluff Creek Cowboy Church has numerous teams and outreach programs. All groups are open to members and new members to help BCCC spread the good word of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Holler at us today if you would like to join one of our teams!
Auditing Team
The audit team handles the finances of the church. They go over the finances monthly and provide a monthly income and expense report.
Arena Team
At BCCC we are blessed to have our very own arena. Currently repairs are underway to improve this space and make it a site for many events and fundraisers to come.
Building Team
The building team is made up of church members that meet once a month to do needed repairs and remodels to the buildings and grounds.
Chuck Wagon
The chuck wagon was a staple on ranches of the past and even some working ranches today. In the way of our predecessors, we strive to feed the people that otherwise couldn't get fed both physically and spiritually.

Celebrate Recovery
For all hurts, hangups and bad habits. Celebrate Recovery is not AA, but rather an outlet to help people of all ages with all different types of struggles. Meetings are Sundays from 4pm-6pm. Come, just as you are.
Our hospitality team is made up of individuals who give back to our family of believers through fellowship and food. We are blessed to have this collective group of volunteers who give their time and love to feed God's children.

Praise & Worship
The praise and worship team lead and lift up our congregation through song with a unique blend of various instruments and musical talents.
Prayer Rope
The prayer rope is a group of prayer warriors who are dedicated to the outreach and healing of those in need through prayer. To add yourself or someone you know to our prayer rope, please fill out the form under our "Contact" tab.

The Bluff Creek youth team is a group of leaders dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the children of our church. We are extremely active in the community with events, camps, and fundraisers. For more information check out the "Youth" page.